Today I turn 45. Never thought I'd make it this far. When I was young I lived my life by the Def Leppard inspired motto, "It's better to burn out than fade away." I figured mid to late 20s at best. Then I met God.
Not long after that I met my wife.
Not long after that I began to meet my kids.
Today I am thankful that I am turning 45.
I'm thankful for the experiences I've had (both the good and the bad).
I'm thankful to be walking this journey with my best friend, my amazing kids, and my God.
45 is a blessing; not because I'm losing some of my hair or the muscle doesn't respond to the workout as quickly; not because I'm a step slower; but instead because I'm alive and I know the things that are really important in life.
When I was 21 I didn't know what was most important.
Today I do.
The most important things in life are...
to be continued...