Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I think I might actually have a 4.0 GPA for my MA. That would be very cool. Tonight the U of A notified me that I had received an A in my final MA course. Since the thesis itself is simply graded on a pass/fail, and I have received A's in every MA course I've taken, I think I might actually have a 4.0.

There were a few people who told me that at 37, I was getting too old to leave a good job, uproot my whole family, move to a new country, and go back to school after having been in the workforce for over 10 years. There were times, especially during some of my early classes, where I would sit in the classroom and listen to the discussions going on around me and wonder if I had landed on another planet because everyone was speaking a language I didn't understand.

Over time, however, I started to learn it too, and by the end of the first year, I was beginning to feel like I might survive grad school. I think my grades have proved one thing to me, and to those who said I was making a mistake; I belong here.

There have certainly been some changes in our lives as a result of this move.

I used to write songs and lead a band for a living. Now I study theory, write papers, and give presentations in class on alternative religions.

I used to make good money. Now I don't make any money (although I did get a grant last year).

I used to own a nice house with a pool. Currently we are renting a tiny piece of crap.

My wife used to own her own real estate appraisal business. Now she is a secretary.

We used to eat out all the time. Now, eating out is a rare treat.

I used to get bored really easily. Now I don't have time to be bored.

I used to waste my free time in front of the T.V. (O.K. I still do watch too much T.V.) Now I am learning to spend more of my free time with Jo and the kids. We go to the rec center together, we all bought bikes and have gone on family bike rides together, and when we do watch TV, we have a movie night as a family.

I used to dream about the day I'd write a #1 hit song. Now I dream about the day I publish my doctoral dissertation.

I used to live without much regard for how much something cost. Now I am learning to live more simply.

I used to collect stuff. Now I want to get rid of most of it (except for my custom guitar from Gene and my Taylor).

I used to have two cars. I have discovered that I can live with one.

Our whole family is learning to live more healthfully, to respect our environment more, to appreciate simple things, the enjoy spending time together.

We cook most meals at home and so we almost always eat together.

I don't know that we would have ever slowed down enough in our old lives, to appreciate what we have now.

Kyle never cared much for sports or his health. Now he is a football player and won the defensive lineman of the year award last year. He runs everyday, works out with me at the gym, and before long will be able to take me down.

After ten years of frustration, we now have a confirmed diagnosis for Skye and Braden's visual impairment. This has opened up new windows of opportunity for them, especially in the world of stem cell research and gene therapy. Hopefully in the next few weeks they will get the new glasses we ordered for them that contain specially tinted lenses that significantly help them.

I still dream about the future, but now that dream is based in reality, and if these grades are any indication, the dream is achievable.

In the mean time, I am continuing to write my thesis and prepare for my thesis examination and defense at the end of the summer.