I am going to blog on a regular basis. Not that anyone cares except me. But I need to record my experiences in Graduate School for my own sanity. The PhD is infinately more difficult than the MA. More work, more reading, more writing, more theory, more of everything.
Currently, I am working with the one of the Intervenor's in the legal case before the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the Criminal Code, the Constitution, and Polygamy. This is not part of the PhD, but rather, something that will someday, perhaps, have some sort of impact on the debate. All I know is that I have spent most of this summer working on my expert witness report for this court case.
In the mean time, I was able to go to New York and present at the International Cultic Studies Association Conference. My topic: "cognitive dissonance, dissent, and early SDA dissenters in the formation of SDA identity."
Currently I have two papers out with editors and I am hoping to publish both of them this term (publishing is a long, arduous, and frustrating process since everything I publish must be peer-reviewed). How I long to publish a novel!!!
Oh well, perhaps I will have time to actually write a novel when I graduate - but by then I will be engaged full time in teaching, researching, and writing and publishing academic papers and books.
So, having said all of this, this blog will be a record of my journey in Academia. For an insight into my world, read my earlier blog entitled "Adventures in Academia."