The problem with Academia, as with all things, is that life gets in the way. Because I can read and write and research late into the night, I am "available" during the day. This is especially true when it comes to family. So, today started off with a trip to the passport office on Jasper Avenue. This is no quick trip - even though we found out we didn't have all the necessary documents for Kyle to get a passport, just standing in line to find that out took an hour. Then Jo had a doctor's appointment so off to the specialist we went. Over the next two hours I was able to read more of Cohn's Pursuit of the Millennium, but still, two hours in a dr's office is not comfortable nor is it condusive to study.
I was supposed to meet my Supervisor at his office this afternoon, but that too went by the wayside (he did leave me a nice message telling me--half jokingly--that I was in shit for missing the meeting).
When we got home we realized that it was already six o'clock and we hadn't even thought about making supper, so we ended up going out to eat.
All this to say, it is now 9 p.m. and I am just sitting down to start really studying.
I've been reading Cohn's book and I am not surprised that The Englightenment came out of France, although I would also not have been surprised if it had come out of Germany. More on this in another blog. For now, I must read and read and I will most likely be awake until at least midnight - but in the world of Academia, that is early.