This is a completely non-academic post. I promise not to talk about anything academic. There is another side to academics, one which I have been fighting for several years since going back to school, the battle to stay in shape. (Quick note: I know there are 22 year old students who still run everyday and play varsity sports - be thankful you are 22 - it doesn't last).
O.K. When I moved here to go to school I wasn't in great shape, but I wasn't out of shape either. I had a job that kept me active and being on stage every week is a workout in and of itself, so I never thought to much about my weight or working out or cardio.
School involves a lot of sitting. Sitting in class, sitting on the bus, sitting in front of the computer late into the night writing papers and doing research. Sitting in lectures, sitting on get the picture. When not sitting, I find myself driving. Driving to the store, driving to the mall, driving to the library (so I can sit and read). The hours that academia forces one to keep do not lend themselves to healthy eating (although my wife is an awesome, awesome cook who does keep me well fed) and I tend to eat while I'm reading and writing and often it is late into the night.
Enter - a belly!!! One day I noticed that I couldn't bend over and tie up my shoes - something was in the way. Upon futher investigation I discovered that I no longer have abs. This was disturbing on two levels. First, it made me realize I am getting old and my metabolism is obviously slowing down, and second (and far more disturbing) a belly on a thin guy is VERY unattractive.
So, I started going to the gym, thinking that lifting weights would be enough of a workout to make the belly disappear. I was of course wrong. Although I have gained many pounds of muscle and finally am beginning to feel comfortable in the gym, working out 4-5 times per week made me hungry and so I ate more, and it did nothing to get rid of my stomach.
So, here is my dilmna. I realize that I have to do two things to get back into shape and get to a point where I can actually take my shirt off without having people stare at this enormous thing around my middle (get your minds out of the gutter). I have to do cardio and I have to eat less sugar and carbs.
I am addicted to sugar and carbs and my attempts at running (yes I have attempted) leave me feeling out of breath, ill, and hating people who make running look so effortless as they move with the grace of a gazelle around the track moving only ever so slightly to avoid the lumbering hulk who is attempting not to pass out in the middle lane.
How does one not eat sugar? Sugar is in everything I love. Even if I gave up donuts and candy, there is still sugar in wine and fruit. Fruit for the love of god. And more pizza? No more bread? No more anything good?
My brother has started the p90x and apparently has lost a ton of weight and looks great. I hate him. I tried the arm and chest workout of the p90x and lasted about ten minutes. I can not print what I yelled at the stupid thing. Now it sits beside the TV mocking me as I sit down to watch a movie or the news.
I guess I must summon the willpower to at least cut down on carbs and sugar (no more donuts or beer) and begin a serious cardio regime, which may end up including the p90x.
In the mean time, Mary, pray for us sinners in the hour of our need.